EDU 305 Week 3 Assignment 1 Final Project Proposal
Choose one (1) of the issues listed:
Contemporary Issue
Contemporary Issue
Bullying / Cyberbullying
School safety and prevention of violence
Graduation requirements
Below state / national math and science scores
Below state / national average reading and literacy scores
Common Core
The Flipped Classroom
No Child Left Behind
Recruitment and retention of motivated teachers / teacher development
Assessment of teachers
Funding sources
Alternate school year calendar (e.g., yearlong schools)
Alternate schools (charter, etc.)
Online schools/courses in K-12
Other (with your professors approval)
Write a four to five (4-5) page proposal for your final project in which you:
Describe a school district in the following ways: urban, suburban, or rural; economic conditions; population size; types of students; graduation rates; number of schools; and types of schools. This can be the district in which you reside or another school district. (Note: This information should be available on the Internet, in a publication provided by the school district, at the local library, or at the districts office.)
Explain at least three (3) reasons for selecting the contemporary issue.