.baker.edu/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_15643069_1&course_id=_213064_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>Chapter 10 Case
Due: Saturday (40 points)
Read Chapter 10 Case #2, “Mando: Inventory Management and More” on pages 488-489 of your text. Complete the corresponding Discussion Questions and Critical Thinking Questions.
Submit your answers to your instructor as an attachment by clicking on the Assignment Title.
1. As a manager you must choose between two inventory management software packages. One is standalone package that only manages the inventory. It allows users to define their own reports without much training. The other requires professional programmer for new reports, but is a part of an ERP system that can handle much more than inventory management. Describe how you would choose between the two packages.
2. Mandos inventory at the end of 2011 was valued at approximately $300 million. Consider a small bicycle store whose inventory is valued at $30,000 about 1/10,000 of Mandos figure. In what ways are its inventory reporting needs similar? In what ways are they different?
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Sketch examples of five major report types as they could apply to inventory management for an auto parts manufacturer. Invent data for your examples.
i. Management reports: this would be available for manager only. Historical and analytical data to be present to analysis and decision making.
2. Explain why it would be more difficult for Mando to manage its inventory if the databases for all sixteen of its factories were different and used different numbers for the same part. Give specific examples of a problem that could arise.