Chapter 21 International Tax Environment and Transfer Pricing

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The two main objectives of taxation are
A. Tax neutrality and tax equity.
B. Complexity and revenue
C. Social engineering and tax equity
D. Progressive taxation and tax neutrality

2. The three basic types of taxation are:
A. income tax, withholding tax, and value-added tax
B. income tax, withholding tax, business tax
C. withholding tax, value-added tax, corporate tax
D. personal tax, corporate tax, and operating tax

3. Tax neutrality is determined
A. By one criterion.
B. By two criteria.
C. By three criteria.
D. By four criteria.

4. Tax neutrality is determined by three criteria: which of the following doesn’t belong?
A. Capital-export neutrality
B. Capital-import neutrality
C. National neutrality
D. Income neutrality

5. Tax neutrality:
A. Has its foundations in the principles of economic efficiency and equity
B. Can be a difficult principle to apply in practice
C. Is determined by three criteria: capital export neutrality, capital import neutrality and national neutrality
D. All of the above

6. The idea that an ideal tax should be effective in raising revenue for the government but not have any negative effects on the economic decision-making process of the taxpayer is referred to as
A. Capital-export neutrality
B. Capital-import neutrality
C. National neutrality
D. None of the above

7. The idea that taxable income is taxed in the same manner by the taxpayer’s national tax authority regardless of where in the world it is earned is referred to as
A. Capital-export neutrality
B. Capital-import neutrality
C. National neutrality
D. None of the above

8. Capital export neutrality
A. Is a goal based on worldwide economic efficiency.
B. Is an example of Mercantilism
C. Is based on host country economic efficiency
D. Is based on MNC home country economic efficiency.

9. The idea that the tax burden a host country imposes on the foreign subsidiary of a MNC should be the same regardless of the country in which the MNC is incorporated and the same as that placed on domestic firms is earned is referred to as
A. Capital-export neutrality
B. Capital-import neutrality
C. National neutrality
D. None of the above

10. Capital export neutrality
A. Is the criterion that an ideal tax should be effective in raising revenue of the government and not have any negative effects on the economic decision-making process of the taxpayer.
B. Requires that taxable income is taxed in the same manner by the taxpayer’s national tax authority regardless of where in the world it is earned.
C. Implies that the tax burden a host country imposes on the foreign subsidiary of the MNC should be the same regardless of which country the MNC is incorporated and the same as that placed on domestic firms.
D. None of the above