Devry JADM430 week 1 and 2 discussions

Week 1 discussion

Economic Crisis (graded)

Discuss the impact of the current economic recession on correctional administration. Consideration should be given to staffing, overtime, early release, prison construction, and so forth. Then formulate a plan to address spending cuts from your operating budget that require a 10% decrease in staff funding and a 20% decrease in funding for inmate services.


Leadership Style (graded)

Discuss Scenario 1 listed under “You’re the Correctional Administrator,” found on page 43 of the text. As the new chief probation officer for your department, explain your leadership style and why you perceive this style as critical to the successful operations of the correctional facility. Then identify the common challenges to the leadership style you will use and how you deal with these challenges.

Week 2 discussion

The Ideal Applicant (graded)

Discuss Scenario 1 found on page 122 of the text. Given your strategic planning efforts, what qualities will you now look for in an applicant for the position of correctional officer? How will you determine if the candidate possesses these attributes, and what steps will you take to avoid initiating practices that could be viewed as prejudicial? Finally, address the author’s questions.


Labor Relations (graded)

Discuss Scenario 2 found on page 165. Then identify common issues relevant to employment in which a collective bargaining agreement is in place. Identify accepted protocol for establishing policy that deals with disagreements over matters not covered by the contract agreement. Then, briefly summarize problems faced by mediators associated with disputes over matters not covered in the labor agreements. Finally, address the author’s questions.