_____ Paper is set up in 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins
_____ Paper has a title page with all necessary information, page header and a running head
_____ All pages have a header with a page number
_____ Body of the paper is 4-5 double-spaced pages
_____ Paper is organized according to strategies learned in class
_____ Opposing arguments and replies are considered
_____ Argumentative strategies are logical and avoid using known fallacies
_____ Paragraphing is strong and each paragraph has a topic sentence that guides the paragraph
_____ Transitional language is used to guide the flow of the paper
_____ Sources used in paper are credible
_____ Paper includes and APA-formatted reference page
_____ All information that is not common knowledge or your ideas is cited with an in-text citation and an entry on the reference page
_____ In-text citations and reference entries have been checked against each other to make sure there are no extra sources in either place
_____ Paper has a strong introduction with a thesis statement and a conclusion that summarizes the paper
_____ The paper makes a strong case for the topic
_____ Paper has been edited meticulously for style, spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence construction and fluency, and has been spell checked
For your final assignment in the class, you will submit your persuasive research paper. Attached is a final paper checklist to help you make sure that you have all the parts necessary for the best grade. Please download it and compare it against your paper.
The paper should be 4-5 pages of double-spaced text (6-7 pages counting the title page and the reference page)and should be formatted and cited in the formal APA format that we have been working with since the beginning of class.
The thesis should be a strong persuasive thesis that you have refined after taking into account your classmates’ comments in the Week 6 discussion, and you should base your paper on the research proposal that you submitted in Week 6.
Remember that this is a formal paper that needs an introduction and a conclusion and should be tightly organized with scholarly and credible sources to support your information. The paper should be written from the third-person authoritative perspective. Consider that your audience is, on the whole, intelligent but will not be experts on your topic. In addition to your supporting arguments, you will address major opposing arguments and respond to them in order to leave no doubt in the minds of your audience.
Submit this paper by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of Week 7.