Video report.
Visit Click on Playlists and click on the set of videos labeled Ch 05: International Trade.
Watch one video from the list and summarize it in a report in .doc or docx format. Please address the following two questions in your report.
Which international trade components can you identify in the video?
How might a company engaged in international business act on the information contained in the video.
Please submit your report ( 3 pages) in .doc or .docx format in APA formatto the Assignment drop box. Detailed grading rubric is located in the “Syllabus”.The introduction provides a sufficient background on the topic and previews the major points
Central theme/purpose is immediately clear
Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow
Subsequent sections develop/support the central theme
Conclusion/recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper
Writer compares/contrasts/integrates theory/subject matter with work environment/experience
At an appropriate level, the writer analyzes and synthesizes theory/practice to develop new ideas and ways of conceptualizing and performing